Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Grants Alerts - August 22, 2018

A number of grant opportunities were approved by the Board of Education at their meeting yesterday. Here's a summary:
Publix Super Market Charities (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.offers grants that support youth, education, reducing hunger (May 1 - June 30), and alleviating homelessness (July 1 - August 31).  Their funding level varies, please check their website for more details.
North Carolina Aquariums (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.offers up to $1,000 for Title 1 schools to visit aquariums, or engage in their outreach and/or distance learning activities, deadline September 15. 
National Art Education Association (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.provides grants that support professional development for arts educators, classroom supplies, and curriculum development, deadline October 1.
Herb Society of America (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.supports indoor or outdoor herb gardens for grades 3 through 6 with grants of $200, deadline October 1.
Whole Kids Foundation (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.offers grants of up to $2,000 for edible school gardens, deadline October 15.
AgCarolina Farm Credit (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.supports agriculture education with grants of up to $5,000, deadline October 15.
The National Dairy Council, Fuel Up to Play 60 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., which supports healthy eating and physical activity with grants of up to $4,000, deadline November 7
Vernier Software and Technology (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.offers support for science classrooms, deadline December 17.
NC Foundation for Public School Children (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.offers grants of up to $1,000 for literacy, PD, or parental involvement at economically disadvantaged schools, deadline October 31.
American Association of School Librarians (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.offers a variety of awards and grants to increase access to books and infuse innovative technologies into library settings. Funding levels and deadlines varies by program, but several are due February 1
US Lacrosse Foundation (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.supports Lacrosse programs with grants of equipment, requests are due the 1st of each month.
In addition to these newly approved opportunities, there are several other grant opportunities with upcoming deadlines.  These include the Target Field Trip grant Links to an external site.($700), Bright Ideas Links to an external site.(up to $3,000), Wake Electric's Classroom Technology grant Links to an external site.(up to $3,000), and the Lowe's Toolbox for Education grant Links to an external site.(up to $5,000).  

Details about these and other opportunities can be found in our listing of Board Approved grants, found in  three places: Learning Central Office of Grants Resource (see Grant Alerts in the lefthand navigation bar), on Wake Connect Links to an external site., or in our Office of Grants Google siteLinks to an external site..  As always, please work with your principal or school grant contact to complete an Intent to Apply form prior to submitting any grants.
DONORSCHOOSE AND TECHNOLOGY: Over the past few months, Technology Services and the Office of Grants have been working closely with DonorsChoose to establish a process whereby teachers can request technology, including Chromebooks, ipads, laptops, printers, and more, using WCPSS purchase orders. This means that technology received through DonorsChoose will be fully supported, with extended warranties, upgraded specifications, and configuration/setup services completed. While these services may add to the cost of a base model, it results in added longevity and support of the device while ensuring compatibility with WCPSS infrastructure and core application requirements.
Teachers who want to include technology items in a DonorsChoose proposal will be prompted to submit a Special Request Project to DonorsChoose, which will allow them to select WCPSS approved technology offerings. Please note that teachers who are new to DonorsChoose will not be able to include technology in their first project, as they will first need to earn 6 points to create a Special Request Project. Learn more about the DonorsChoose Point System hereLinks to an external site..
Technology Services has posted information about how to request technology through DonorsChooseLinks to an external site., and we encourage you to visit their site to learn more about how this process will work. In addition to providing step-by-step directions, the Technology Services page also has information about the technology items included, links to WCPSS Purchase Orders, more detail about WCPSS technology guidelines, and responses to frequently asked questions. 
Please get in touch with us if you have any questions or suggestions.
Best wishes as you begin the new school year!

Friday, August 17, 2018

Grant Alerts - August 8, 2018

Several new grant opportunities were approved by the Board of Education when they met on August 7.  Here are some highlights:
NC Museum of History   (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.provides for travel expenses for field trips to the museum, deadline September 14.
Outer Banks Lighthouse Society (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. offers $250 - $1,000 for travel and project grants related to NC Lighthouses, due January 31, 2019.
Kids Gardening (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. has a variety of grants, ranging from $250 - $1,000, that support school gardens, deadlines vary according to the grant program.
National Education Association (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. offers Student Achievement and Learning and Leadership grants to members, up to $5,000, next deadline is October 15.
Charlie Lovett Foundation (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. supports elementary level drama programs, opens in August and provides up to $300 per grant until their funds are depleted for the year.
Toshiba American Foundation supports science education. K-5 grants (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. offer up to $1,000, with an October 1st deadline. Grants for grades 6-12 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. that are less than $5,000 have a September 1st deadline, and grants that are more than $5,000 have a November 1st deadline.
Harbor Freight (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. supports skilled trades education and their grants provide tools. They have a rolling deadline. 
Details about these and other opportunities can be found in our listing of Board Approved grants, found in  three places: this Learning Central Resource (see Grant Alerts in the lefthand navigation bar), on Wake Connect (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., or in our Office of Grants Google site (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..  As always, please work with your principal or school grant contact to complete an Intent to Apply form prior to submitting any grants.
DONORSCHOOSE AND TECHNOLOGY: Over the past few months, Technology Services and the Office of Grants have been working closely with DonorsChoose to establish a process whereby teachers can request technology, including Chromebooks, ipads, laptops, printers, and more, using WCPSS purchase orders. This means that technology received through DonorsChoose will be fully supported, with extended warranties, upgraded specifications, and configuration/setup services completed. While these services may add to the cost of a base model, it results in added longevity and support of the device while ensuring compatibility with WCPSS infrastructure and core application requirements.
Teachers who want to include technology items in a DonorsChoose proposal will be prompted to submit a Special Request Project to DonorsChoose, which will allow them to select WCPSS approved technology offerings. Please note that teachers who are new to DonorsChoose will not be able to include technology in their first project, as they will first need to earn 6 points to create a Special Request Project. Learn more about the DonorsChoose Point System hereLinks to an external site..
Technology Services has posted information about how to request technology through DonorsChooseLinks to an external site., and we encourage you to visit their site to learn more about how this process will work. In addition to providing step-by-step directions, the Technology Services page also has information about the technology items included, links to WCPSS Purchase Orders, more detail about WCPSS technology guidelines, and responses to frequently asked questions. 
FOR SCHOOL GRANT CONTACTS:  With the beginning of the school year, we've had some calls regarding difficulties accessing the Intent to Apply form. The form is only available within the WCPSS domain, so you need to be logged into Chrome using your @wcpss account in order to access it. If you encounter any trouble accessing the form, please contact us and we will be happy to help you troubleshoot.  
Best wishes as you begin a new school year!