Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Grant Alerts - December 17, 2015

Greetings from the Grants Office!

We have updated the training videos about the WCPSS grants process.  These four videos provide a quick and easy way for people to get up to speed about how to seek and manage grants in our district. They are now available in three places:  on the Grants Intranet site, in the Grants Office Blackboard course, and on the Grants Office Google site.  Please share them with any of your colleagues who are interested in seeking grants. Topics include:
·         5 Steps to Grant Success (describes the WCPSS grants process)
·         Finding Grants (shares where you can look for grants)
·         Completing an Intent to Apply form, and
·         Winning a Grant

In addition, the Board of Education met on December 16 and NEWLY APPROVED the following grant opportunities:

Literacy Empowerment Foundation (LEF)
Subject: Literacy
Funding: Varies
Deadline: December 31, 2014

American Society of Plant Biologist (ASPB)
Subject: STEM
Funding Level: Varies
Deadline: Depends upon the grant program, please consult the website

ASM International – ASM Materials Education Foundation
Subject: STEM
Funding Level: Varies
Deadline: Depends upon the grant program, please consult the website

General Mills Foundation - Champions for Healthy Kids
Subject: Health and nutrition
Funding Level: Up to $20,000
Deadline: Available February 2015

As a reminder, here are some DEADLINES coming up between now and February 15:

CenturyLink Clarke M. Williams Foundation’s Teachers and Technology Grant
Subject: Technology
Funding Level: Up to $5,000
Deadline: January 2, 2015

NC Technology in Education Society Grant (NCTIES)
Subject: STEM
Funding Level: Up to $3,000
Deadline: January 7, 2015

Kinder Morgan Foundation
Subject: Miscellaneous projects and funding needs
Funding Level: Varies
Deadline: 10th of every other month beginning in January

Triangle Community Foundation Biogen Idec Grants
Subject: STEM
Funding: $2,000 - $5,000
Deadline: January 16, 2015

Captain Planet Foundation
Subject: Environment
Funding Level: Varies
Deadline: January 31, 2015

National Education Association (NEA) Foundation Grants
Miscellaneous projects and funding needs
Funding Level: Varies
Deadline: February 1, 2015 and June 1, 2015

Christopher Columbus Community Grant
Subject: STEM
Funding Level: Up to $30,000
Deadline: February 2, 2015

Details about these and more grant opportunities can be found in our current Grant Alerts, located in three places:

1)      On the Intranet  at
2)      In the Office of Grants Blackboard course, which can be accessed by from offsite by going to the WCPSS internet site, and at the bottom of the page, under “Staff Links”, click on “Blackboard.”  Sign in, and then enter the Office of Grants course.
3)      At the Office of Grants Google site which can be accessed from anywhere with no sign in required.

Should you decide to apply for a grant, please let the Office of Grants know by submitting an Intent to Apply form. Don't hesitate to be in touch if you have any questions.

Best wishes for happy holidays!

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